Ex-Police Cadets
Association of NSW

About Us


The Ex-Police Cadets Association of NSW is a Not for Profit incorporated association.

The Aims of our association are to:

  • Preserve, publish and promote the traditions of NSW Police Cadets.
  • Encourage fellowship among members.
  • Conduct annual reunions/lunches.
  • Publish a history.
  • Facilitate social activities among members.

The idea of getting former Cadets together came from a group of about 10 or 12 who had kept in contact over the years with regular lunches.
It first began in 2003 with a notice being placed in the two Sydney morning papers of the intention to hold a reunion lunch at Sutherland United Services Club on 19-3-2004.
184 attended and it has grown from there.

Two further reunion/lunches have been held since, allowing many former mates an opportunity to get together.
The 2nd Reunion of the “Ex Police Cadet Association of NSW” was held at the Mandarin Club on Friday 9th September, 2005 with 246 attending.
The 3rd Reunion of the “Ex Police Cadet Association of NSW” was held at the University of Technology in the Gallery Function Centre on Friday 1st December, 2006 when 158 attended.


Junior Trainees are welcome.

Membership is $10.00 which is a one off fee (at this stage).


”Ex Police Cadet Association of NSW Incorporated”
P O Box 323, Gymea NSW 2227

Name: Cadet No:
Telephone: Mobile:
ASSOCIATION MEMBER No: (Office use only)
* Membership Subscription: $10-00
* Donation: $
* Strike out if not applicable

Forward form with cheque to our postal address:
P O Box 323, Gymea, NSW, 2227